Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): História do Brasil Profundo

Capa da revista com a máscara de couro vermelha, símbolo da revista

History of Deep Brazil 

Brazil as a nation-state has a relatively recent history compared to other countries, as it has not completed two centuries of formal independence from Portugal. However, the original peoples and those who came during colonisation and the subsequent formation of the nation-state, marked the construction of "deep Brazil" - complex, unequal and diverse.        

The aim of the dossier is to bring together articles that reflect on the histories of these diverse Brasis, in the symbolic, spatial and social spheres. The borders, territory, governing circuits and trajectories, the spaces of conflicts and resistance, arts and cultures, the various social, economic and political practices that intersect in the construction of Brazil.        


Published: 2022-02-04

