Digital historic literacy and abuse of History


  • Linik Sued Carvalho da Mota Universidade Regional do Cariri


History, Information, Education


The advent of social media has changed the way students perceive time, history and themselves. It became much easier to obtain and produce information and content, if before individuals, especially historians, needed to deal with the scarcity of sources and materials, they are now facing an excess of memory. In the teaching of History new challenges arise, since the historical awareness of students is shaped by an increasingly computerized world and the most diverse forms of access to certain historical knowledge are accessible to them, however, many of these creators of content are not historians, something that transforms the internet and its platforms into spaces conducive to the abuse of history. This article seeks to discuss the importance of historical-digital literacy as a possibility of thinking about teaching History that provides students with the necessary tools to identify irresponsible uses or abuses of History on the Internet.

Author Biography

Linik Sued Carvalho da Mota, Universidade Regional do Cariri

Tem experiência na área de docência, tendo lecionado como professor substituto em escolas de ensino médio no decorrer do segundo semestre do ano de 2013 e como mediador no Museu Casa Padre Cícero em Juazeiro do Norte no segundo semestre de 2015 e parte de 2016, também em 2016 foi bolsista do Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID); no ano de 2017 atuou no SESC de Juazeiro do Norte-CE como monitor de sala de ciências, passando, em 2018, após concurso público para o cargo de professor de História pela secretaria de educação do Estado da Paraíba.



How to Cite

Carvalho da Mota, L. S. (2022). Digital historic literacy and abuse of History. Sertão História - Electronic Journal of the Center for Studies in Social History and the Environment, 1(2), 175–194. Retrieved from