Vol. 4 No. 7 (2025): Dossiê Sertão em imagens de cosmopercepção: gravuras, performances, xilogravuras, cliché, pinturas, esculturas, litografias, fotografias, a propaganda midiática e o cinema

					View Vol. 4 No. 7 (2025): Dossiê Sertão em imagens de cosmopercepção: gravuras, performances, xilogravuras, cliché, pinturas, esculturas, litografias, fotografias, a propaganda midiática e o cinema

“The construction of visualities transposes the limits established by territorialities, the plasticity and geography of bodies and spaces. Imagining, feeling, capturing, recording and mimicking the lived experience, based on the historical narrative, requires multidisciplinary anchors, making a dialogical journey through various areas of knowledge. The construction of the sertão, beyond a geo-historical perspective, takes place as a symbolic, semantic, ideological, artistic, cultural, semiotic, discursive and poetic construction. How do we see and feel the sertão? Therefore, the space opened up by this thematic dossier is to recognize the ambivalence and potential of works focused on visualities around the construction of the sertões, thinking about imaginaries, from the images constructed in them, from and about these sertanejo ideals and ideas, often not felt and only observed.”

Túlio Henrique Pereira, Michele Lopes da Silva Alves, Renata Aparecida Felinto dos Santos.

Published: 2025-03-08