
  • História Ambiental: problemas e abordagens
    Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022)

    Environmental History produces unprecedented approaches on the relations between societies and the environment, in different temporalities and with the use of diverse sources. The objective of the dossier is to gather articles that problematize different perspectives on the relations between nature and culture, discussing conflicts and tensions of socio-environmental character, social movements, cultural landscapes in different contexts and temporalities, and natural transformations in the contemporary world. Forests, water resources, hinterlands, landscapes, rural-urban relations, symbolic and cultural meanings, and protection and conservation. 


  • Political power in a slave-owning country: slave trade, slavery and slave resistance
    Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023)

    For more than three hundred years, the slavery of Africans and their descendants was the main form of labor in the colony and in the Brazilian plagas. Portuguese America also had a demographic configuration composed of people brought from Africa, and many of these were put to work in the most varied labors, thus fostering the Brazilian slave system. However, threats began to emerge in the first half of the 19th century that would put the Brazilian slave system in check, one of which was the English anti-slavery pressure.
    This dossier aims to bring together completed or ongoing research on themes involving the enslavement of Africans and/or their descendants, within the time frame of the 18th and 19th centuries. In the second half of the nineteenth century, anti-slavery pressure increased, but at that time, the pressure was linked to factors occurring within Brazil's own territory. Thus, what was possible to observe was the rise of the abolitionist movement and the effervescence of the actions of the slaves themselves, which were configured through escapes, refusal to work and/or the purchase of their letter of freedom.

    In addition, it is proposed to incorporate research that points to the agency of the slave in building his own history. In this conception, the problems that point to the dynamics of the slave trade, the different forms of resistance practiced by slaves, the particular insertion of female slaves, freed or in the process of emancipation in the framework of slavery, the diseases that claimed the lives of slaves, the healing practices carried out by them, the importance of African and Afro-descendant women in economic and social dynamics within the context of slavery, studies on slavery in cities and in the countryside, were invited to be part of this dossier.

    Thus, the aim is to bring together studies that deal with the most varied themes that address slavery in the eighteenth and eighteenth centuries. With this, we hope to foster discussions about the particularities of the experience and dynamics of slaves within slave Brazil, in order to enable discussions of slave transits, Social History, slave resistance, their sociabilities and political power.

  • Capa da revista com a máscara de couro vermelha, símbolo da revista

    História do Brasil Profundo
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)

    History of Deep Brazil 

    Brazil as a nation-state has a relatively recent history compared to other countries, as it has not completed two centuries of formal independence from Portugal. However, the original peoples and those who came during colonisation and the subsequent formation of the nation-state, marked the construction of "deep Brazil" - complex, unequal and diverse.        

    The aim of the dossier is to bring together articles that reflect on the histories of these diverse Brasis, in the symbolic, spatial and social spheres. The borders, territory, governing circuits and trajectories, the spaces of conflicts and resistance, arts and cultures, the various social, economic and political practices that intersect in the construction of Brazil.        


  • Capa da edição número 3, volume 2, janeiro a junho de 2023.

    Migrations: History and Present Time
    Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023)

    A questão das migrações atravessa diferentes períodos históricos, países, localidades.  As dinâmicas migratórias: econômicas, por guerras, perseguições, devido aos problemas sociais, demográficas, catástrofes ambientais, epidemias, fome, exploração e as demais. As tensões, lutas, discursos e a atuação dos aparatos estatais sobre os que migram. A relação entre História e Memória sobre o fenômeno das migrações. As nuances de gênero, classe, origem nacional e regional e idade para o fenômeno migratório.

  • Capa da edição, fundo laranja, letras em branco. Ao centro, o logo da revista

    History teaching, social justice, principles and practices for the democratization of education
    Vol. 3 No. 5 (2024)

    The 21st century has been marked by a permanent process of accelerating time, by the political advance of the right, marked by anti-democratic and denialist practices that attack the production, teaching and various forms of dissemination of history. For some researchers, an attempt is being made to historicize history, especially with the curricular reforms that are significantly modifying Brazilian education in order to pave the way for neoliberal reason and morality as a form of human existence. These changes directly affect the training of teachers and the teaching of history, the most obvious being the reform of secondary education, which instituted the so-called New Secondary Education. From this perspective, teaching, learning and the formation of a historical culture in Brazilian society have become a field of dispute between a conservative/neoliberal education and a democratic, anti-racist, decolonial education that combats ethnic, racial and gender prejudices. At the same time, social movements, students and history teachers at the most diverse levels of education are fighting for more effective action to implement 10.639/2003 and 11.645/2008.

    In this sense, there are various forms of resistance in the field of History teaching, such as ProfHistória and its various projects to combat those who want to destroy History as a field of knowledge. By taking the teaching experience in basic education as a starting point for building reflective knowledge, ProfHistória not only contributes to democratizing access to postgraduate courses, but also consolidates itself as a place for producing a historiography in tune with the demands of the present time.

    It is in this context that we proposed the dossier History Teaching, social justice and democratic educational practices. We received contributions that discussed issues that directly affect the condition of teachers as authors in defense of democratic teaching practices threatened by conservatism and neoliberalism. We hope that the dossier will be a space for disseminating research that addresses concepts and sources related to feminism, Lgbtqianp+ communities and cultures and their intersectionalities at the interface with history teaching and the most diverse forms of struggle and combating neo-fascism. Likewise, research, reflections and experience reports on the use of communication and information technologies, including Artificial Intelligence, for teaching History, History theory, teaching and teaching practices and curriculum reforms, notably the BNCC, the BNC-formação and the New High School.

    Dossier organizers:

    Francisco Egberto Melo - Professor in the History Department and the ProfHIstória Postgraduate Program at the Universidade Regional do Cariri (URCA).

    Paula Cristiane de Lyra Lessa - Professor in the History Department and ProfHIstória Graduate Program at the Universidade Regional do Cariri (URCA).

    Rosilene Alves de Melo - Professor in the History Department at the Federal University of Campina Grande and in the ProfHIstória Graduate Program at the Regional University of Cariri (URCA).

    Bibliographical references

    CERRI, Luís Fernando. Ensino de História e consciência histórica. Rio de Janeiro: FGC, 2011.

    FOUCAULT, Michel. O Jogo de Michel Foucault. IN: FOUCAULT, Michel. Ditos e Escritos, v. IX. Genealogia da Ética, Subjetividade e Sexualidade. Rio de Janeiro: Forense Universitárias. 2014, p. 44-76. Org. Manuel de Barros da Motta.

    DARDOT, Pierre; LAVAL, Christian. A nova razão do mundo: ensaio sobre a sociedade neoliberal. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2016.  

    LAVAL, Christian. A escola não é uma empresa: o neo-liberalismo no ensino público. Londrina: Editora Planta, 2004.

    SILVA, Barbara Bueno de; BARBOSA, Carlos Soares. Empreendedorismo e o novo ensino médio: a atuação da ong junior achievement na rede estadual de educação do Rio de Janeiro. Tear: Revista de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia, v.11, n.2, 2022, p. 1-19. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 mai 2022.