Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels for History Teachers



Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, History Teachers, History Teaching


This article discusses what history teachers conventionally know and what they should know about the propositions of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Its objective is to instrumentalize these professionals in their daily basis, with regard to the domains of the science of history and the substantive contents of human history that are prescribed as fundamental learning in the school environment. It is structured in the presentation of commentators and/or translators of Marx and Engels who wrote for historians, who produced from a certain Philosophy or a certain Sociology, as well as intellectuals who talk from within the historical domains and who assume themselves as historians of craft and/or initial training.


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How to Cite

Freitas, I. . (2023). Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels for History Teachers. Sertão História - Electronic Journal of the Center for Studies in Social History and the Environment, 2(3), 112–130. Retrieved from http://revistas.urca.br/index.php/SertH/article/view/479