Landscape of the (In)visible

Dialectic between Images that Speak of a Cosmoperceptive Hinterland



Paisagem, cosmopercepção, sertão


The Hinterland in images of cosmoperception is a visual representation that transcends physical geography to reveal the deep interconnection between humans and the environment. Cosmoperception, in this context, expresses the way the "Sertão" is experienced, felt and imagined, integrating myths, spiritualities and the resistance of everyday life. The images in this visual article construct a Sertão that is both real and symbolic, where the arid land is not just a challenge, but a space of transcendence which reveals a rich universe, where each element - from drought to faith, from struggle to beauty - makes up a narrative that speaks of the deep soul of a part of this “giant by nature” Brazil. The investigation and construction of the material took place in a dialectical and phenomenological way, the results of which were the vision of significant images that are much more than landscape, they are images of a construction that transcends the boundaries between reality and the (in)visible.


Author Biography

Francilene da Sllva Abreu , UFPI

Mestranda em Antropologia (UFPI); Graduada em Administração; Graduada em Recursos Humanos Estratégicos; Graduada Bacharel em Teologia; Pós-Graduada em Sociologia; Pós-Graduada em Psicopedagogia Clinica e Institucional; Pós-Graduada em Docência do Ensino Superior; Pós-Graduada em Tutoria EAD; Tem experiência na área de Administração, com ênfase em Administração de Setores Específicos; Interesses e envolvimentos em Causas Humanitárias e Etincorraciais, PCTs e povos Originários (indígenas, afrodescendentes e quilombolas); Interesses na área Educacional de PCT e povos Indígenas.


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How to Cite

da Sllva Abreu , F. . (2025). Landscape of the (In)visible : Dialectic between Images that Speak of a Cosmoperceptive Hinterland. Sertão História - Electronic Journal of the Center for Studies in Social History and the Environment, 4(7), 39–56. Retrieved from