About the Journal


Sertão História aims to gather articles, reviews, transcriptions and interviews that contribute to the advancement of historical studies, in different temporalities and spatialities. 


Promote debate among researchers, students and the general public.  

To publish articles, reviews, transcriptions, and interviews that contribute to the advancement of historical studies, in different temporalities and spatialities. 

To provide theoretical and methodological reflection and dialogue on History and related areas - Geography, Economics, Social Sciences and others, from the publication of quality texts.

The journal will publish articles, reviews, documentary transcripts and interviews. 

It will accept publications from undergraduates, graduate students (lato sensu and stricto sensu), masters and doctors, relevant to its scope.

Dossiers and continuous flow

Articles will be published by thematic dossiers and free-form dossiers - which meet the scope of the journal.

Submission is by continuous flow for free-theme articles and following the deadlines for thematic dossiers.  

The editorial process of the journal follows the following workflow:

Submission: articles are received in the system. At this stage the texts are rejected (if they are outside the journal's normalization standards or if a full external evaluation is not justified) by the editors or assigned to evaluators.

Evaluation: the articles are submitted to double-blind evaluation by the referees. If approved, the article moves on to the next phase.

Layout Editing: only articles approved by peers go on to text and layout editing. This requires textual and/or shape adjustments.

Editing: this is the last phase in which the texts are prepared in their final version, in which the articles are transformed into PDFs.

The journal reserves the right not to accept for evaluation more than one unpublished article per author for two years. 

Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to its contents, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.

Núcleo de Estudos em História Social e Ambiente  - NEHSA 


Laboratório de Pesquisa em História Social - LABORE 


Universidade Regional do Cariri