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About the Journal

Sertão História - Electronic Journal of the Núcleo de Estudos em História Social e Ambiente (Center for Studies in Social History and Environment) has as its mission to contribute to the theoretical debate and dissemination of research in History and related areas, as well as to democratize the access to scientific knowledge.

Graduates, graduate students and post-graduate students (master's and doctorate), masters and doctors can publish.

Undergraduate students can be co-authors, they cannot submit as first author.

Sertão História is a biannual, electronic journal of the Núcleo de Estudos em História Social e Ambiente - NEHSA, of the Universidade Regional do Cariri. 

ISSN 2764-3956


Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 6 (2024): Dossier Women's History: gender and sexuality studies in the hinterlands
Capa da revista.

This dossier in the journal Sertão História aims to broaden the debates that are taking place in the field of Women's History and Gender and Sexuality Studies from the backlands. Comprising six peer-reviewed and approved articles, the dossier places the sertões as the central context for exploring experiences and subjects that gain prominence through a critical analysis of gender. In this sense, the understanding of the sertão is not limited to the designation of a geographical space, but involves a condition that highlights the configurations of power and the inequalities that are established within it.

Published: 2024-08-12



Editorial de Dossiê

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