Maria Antoniêtta

a woman from Cariri between the cross and the combat boots



Catholic Church, dictatorship, resistance, women's struggle in Cariri


In this article, we analyze episodes linked to the life trajectory of popular educator Maria Antoniêtta, trainer of rural union leaders at the time that preceded the 1964 coup d'état, mainly her training practice, associated with and, at the same time, displaced from the tongs of the Catholic Church (the cross), and the persecution caused by the military-business dictatorship (the combat boots), from 1964 onwards, highlighting here not only the coercion of which she was a victim, but, in the same way, her ability of personal, professional and political resistance, which we recovered from an interview with the educator.


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Capa da revista.



How to Cite

Duarte Lourenço , E. R. ., & Moraes Rodrigues, M. J. (2024). Maria Antoniêtta : a woman from Cariri between the cross and the combat boots. Sertão História - Electronic Journal of the Center for Studies in Social History and the Environment, 3(6), 112–126. Retrieved from