"The strong hinterlander is the one who leaves for God knows where"

analysis of the representation of the hinterland and the hinterlanders in Big Jato



Big Jato, hinterland, hinterlanders


The present text is about the representations of the Hinterland space and of the hinterlanders subjects. The analysis was performed using as a source the literary work of the Ceará writer and journalist Xico Sá, as well as the film adaptation of the same name, directed by Cláudio Assis. The stories are told based on the memories of the boy "Chico" and his childhood in the Cariri region - who in both works is known by the pseudonym "stone fish". The time frame of the work is the 1970s. From the narrative we seek to analyze the representations of the hinterland space and the hinterlanders subjects.


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Capa da edição da revista



How to Cite

Cardoso, R., & Dantas Máximo, M. L. (2023). "The strong hinterlander is the one who leaves for God knows where": analysis of the representation of the hinterland and the hinterlanders in Big Jato. Sertão História - Electronic Journal of the Center for Studies in Social History and the Environment, 2(4), 276–291. Retrieved from http://revistas.urca.br/index.php/SertH/article/view/895