History of the Brazilian Black Movement in perspective

what does Palmares mean?



Interview , Zezito Araújo, GEPAFRO, Black Movement , History


The Quilombo dos Palmares is located in the municipality of União dos Palmares, in Alagoas. In the past, the region belonged to the captaincy of Pernambuco. The Zona da Mata is an imagined hinterland that crosses temporalities and the collective memory of northeasterners who led the struggle for land and the freedom of their bodies and minds. Zezito Araújo is the black intellectual interviewed by the  (GEPAFRO). He is a reference in research on the Quilombo dos Palmares.



How to Cite

Pereira, T. H. (2025). History of the Brazilian Black Movement in perspective: what does Palmares mean?. Sertão História - Electronic Journal of the Center for Studies in Social History and the Environment, 4(7), 143–160. Retrieved from http://revistas.urca.br/index.php/SertH/article/view/2258