Imaginaries of the sertão

the sertões in the short stories of Bruxaxá by the writer Átila Almeida (1979)



Átila Almeida; Bruxaxá; Sertão; Sertanejo.


This work problematizes the constructions of meaning surrounding the sertão and the sertanejo through the analysis of the book Bruxaxá: contos sem exemplo e histórias sem proveito (1979), authored by the Paraiban intellectual, professor, writer, and folklorist Átila Almeida (1923–1991). The work comprises a collection of 22 short stories written under the pseudonym Francisco Jorge Torres (1783–1852), a distant relative of the Almeida family. The stories explore various themes, blending reality and fiction, and present representations of sertanejo figures and their interactions with the spaces mentioned. In this sense, this investigation seeks to analyze the symbolic and imaginary constructions of the sertão and the sertanejo in the work, identifying the meanings attributed to these figures and the places described. Methodologically, the study employs discourse analysis as proposed by Michel Foucault (1996) and draws on the reflections of Sandra Pesavento (2004), who debates the interpretation of literary works in relation to their context of creation, viewing them as forms of social and historical construction. The theoretical framework includes contributions from Antonio Carlos Robert Morais (2003) on the sertão as a spatial ideology, the imaginary meanings of the sertão discussed by Erivaldo Fagundes Neves (2003), and the approach to the sertão as a category of Brazilian social thought through literature, as analyzed by Janaína Amado (1995).


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How to Cite

Lucas dos Santos Silva , E. (2025). Imaginaries of the sertão: the sertões in the short stories of Bruxaxá by the writer Átila Almeida (1979). Sertão História - Electronic Journal of the Center for Studies in Social History and the Environment, 4(7), 22–38. Retrieved from