"The destructive action of fire and axesFIRE AND AXES"

property, offense and nature in Serra do Araripe, Cariri, Ceará, at the beginning of the 20th century


  • Johnnys Alencar Doutorando em História pela Universidade Federal da Bahia https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6068-0664
  • Lina Maria Professora Titular do Departamento de História, da Universidade Federal da Bahia


Property, Resistance, Poor Workers


In the first two decades of the 20th century, news were published in newspapers in the city of Crato, A Liça (1903) and O Araripe (1919), which denounced the “destruction of Araripe” and pointed to a defense around the “forest”. However, there was no attempt to understand the interests and/or reasons why the transgressors/poor maintained such practices and habits. This article seeks to understand how, in the regional space, the discourse on preservation served as a political resource that helped in the maintenance of the agrarian structure in force and in the submission of workers to imposed labor relations.



How to Cite

Alencar, J., & Aras, L. M. B. de. (2022). "The destructive action of fire and axesFIRE AND AXES": property, offense and nature in Serra do Araripe, Cariri, Ceará, at the beginning of the 20th century. Sertão História - Electronic Journal of the Center for Studies in Social History and the Environment, 1(1), 83–98. Retrieved from http://revistas.urca.br/index.php/SertH/article/view/108