At the mercy of the unspeakable: a reading of Ana Cristina Cesar's poetics in sight of the lacanian real




Ana Cristina Cesar, Brazilian contemporary poetry, Psychoanalysis, Real, Silence


Ana Cristina Cesar wrote in just a few years a vast work (approximately between 1964 and 1982), source of inexhaustible interpretation, a mysterious range of intense feelings sometimes disguised between the lines, sometimes shouted out in verse. This article seeks to approach the author’s poetic work by observing the figuration of the Real in her published and unpublished works, over the course of various moments in the poet's literary life, using a volume of Poética, a compilation of her complete poetic production, as a source of analysis. The conception of real used is that of Lacan, supported by readings of the author himself and two commentators on his concept, Badiou and Prigent. The article then starts from a brief presentation of Ana Cristina Cesar, followed by the explanation of the real that is used in the analysis, and, finally, a relationship is developed between the Lacanian psychoanalytic real read in the poetry of A. C. Cesar, through analyzes of six poems from different points in his career, from adolescence to adulthood.

Author Biographies

Milena Smiderle, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Student of Literature - Portuguese Language and Literature at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. She currently focuses on studies of Ana Cristina Cesar's poetry and postmodernities, after ending her period as a CNPq fellow in the project "Disputes, Dialogues and Sociability in Mário de Andrade's Literary Criticism" supervised by Prof. Dr. Ricardo Gaiotto de Moraes from 2022 to 2023.

Waléria Nunes, Federal University of Santa Catarina

Master's student in the Postgraduate Program in Literature (PPGLit) at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), in the Poetry and Aisthesis research line. Bachelor and Degree in Literature - Portuguese Language and Literature (UFSC). Graduated from the Lacanian-oriented Psychoanalysis course at the Lacanian-oriented Psychoanalysis Clinical Institute of Santa Catarina (ICPOL-SC). Scholarship from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES).



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Artigos - Estudos Literários