Art and Music as Instruments of Resocialization and Humanization of Punishment in the Brazilian Penitentiary System


  • Emetério Oliveira Neto Universidade Regional do Cariri
  • Maria Pereira
  • Michael Oliveira
  • Rita Borges

Palabras clave:

Human Rights; Music and Art; Resocialization; Criminal enforcement law


This Education in prisons strengthens social reintegration efforts and directly contributes to minimizing prison overcrowding, as for every 12 hours of study, one day of the convict's sentence is reduced. The reintegration of former inmates is a major concern of modern society. Art in prison contributes to the humanization process of inmates through diversified work, as well as through various art forms. Thus, art serves as a humanizing instrument for socialization and reintegration. The motivation for this research is the desire to shed light on the educational effects in this scenario. Brazilian society finds itself in a moment of extreme neglect in the face of the current prison system, exacerbating the disregard for prisoners. The precarious and inhumane environment in which prisoners serve their sentences lacks adequate structure and presents low levels of humanization, being a place that generates a huge negative impact on their mental health. The study aims to identify the contributions of Music and Art to individuals in the Brazilian prison system as a re-socializing and humanizing method. The methodological instrument of this work was literature review and documentary research, using scientific articles, books and book chapters, as well as laws, Resolutions of the National Council of Justice (CNJ), and access to data from research institutes as sources.

