As Language conceptions found in a Portuguese language teaching material: an analysis based on foucaultian concepts of utterance and enunciative function




Scientific conceptions of language, Discourse Analysis, Teaching materials


In this work, we used the theoretical and methodological reflections of Foucault (2008) to describe and analyze the different conceptions of language found in a Portuguese Language textbook for high school. This process allowed us to examine, in dialogue with the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC), the emergence, connection, incorporation, and manifestation of three distinct approaches to language as a scientific object: one influenced by Saussure, another by Jakobson, and a third by Chomsky. We also concluded that the BNCC does not encompass all scientific concepts of language and that there is an implicit presence of Saussurean theory in one of the competencies of the document.


Author Biography

César Morais Rosa, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Pursuing a master's degree as a grantee of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) Foundation, in the Postgraduate Program in Linguistic Studies at the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU). Graduated with a degree in Letters, with a double major in Portuguese/English and their respective literatures, from the University Center of Patos de Minas (2021). A member of the Ferdinand de Saussure Research Group (CNPq), GP_FdS. In terms of teaching activities, I've worked as a lead teacher in both public and private education networks, as well as in vocational education. I have experience in teaching Portuguese and English languages and in textual revision. Regarding research, I'm engaged in studies on Ferdinand de Saussure's theoretical production, focusing a) on the connection between Saussurian theory and Portuguese language teaching and learning in Brazil, and b) on the theoretical reception of Ferdinand de Saussure, under the guidance of Professor Eliane Mara Silveira, Ph.D


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