Fantastic literature: readings on Rosa and Rowling
Fantastic, Marvelous, Tradition, Mass literature, DialoguesAbstract
This article constitutes an excerpt from the results of the research completed in the Master's Course of the Postgraduate Program in Language and Teaching, entitled "Rowling's Marvelous Meets Rosa's Fantastic in the Classroom," at Universidade Federal de Campina Grande. It discusses how the fantastic and marvelous elements are circumscribed in the works of João Guimarães Rosa and J.K. Rowling, as well as how they interact with each other and revisit elementary structures and categories of fairy tales, seeking to find links between literary tradition and mass literature. In this regard, the texts analyzed were the short stories "Menina de Lá" and "Os Irmãos Dagobé" by Guimarães, as well as "The Fountain of Fair Fortune" and "The Tale of the Three Brothers" by Rowling, given that both narratives explore fantastic and/or marvelous universes. We observed points of intersection between the types of fantasy explored by the authors, aiming to understand the possible paths of these narratives as they enhance mythical elements and archetypes within the text. Therefore, the work is built in light of the studies postulated by Ceserani (2006), Coelho (2000), Furtado (1980), Held (1980), Roas (2001; 2014), Rodrigues (1988), and Todorov (2014).
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Copyright (c) 2024 Egberto Guillermo Lima Vital, Márcia Tavares Silva, Tatiane Pereira Fernandes
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