The judeo-christian mythological figures of Lilith, Eva and Mary in Histórias do Rio Negro, by Vera do Val




Amazonian literature, Female journeys, Judeo-Christian mythological figures, Comparative Literature, Residuality


The woman in literature has many faces attributed to their behavior, being written, to this day, with marks of male perception about the feminine. It is concerned about this condition that the study The Judeo-Christian mythological figures of Lilith, Eva and Mary in the Histórias do Rio Negro, by Vera do Val, proposes to analyse the female journeys of the riverine characters Das Dores/Saúva, Rosalva e Janete/Giselle, by Do Val (2011), comparing the behaviours and events that permeate the Judeo-Christian mythological figures of Lilith, Eva and Mary, similar to the trajectories of disruption and subversion (of Lilith), disobedience and punishment (of Eva) and divinization (of Mary). This research is developed with bibliographical character, under the theoretical and methodological guidelines of Comparative Literature, Tânia Carvalhal (2006); and the theory of Literary and Cultural residuality, Roberto Pontes apud Pinilla (2018), in which it seeks to investigate the female figures that compose the analysed stories.

Author Biographies

Flávia Tôrres Martins, Universidade Federal of Amazonas

7th period student in Literature, Language and Portuguese Literature at the Federal University of Amazonas - UFAM. Currently developing a Scientific Initiation Project focusing on the area of ​​Brazilian and Portuguese literature with a methodology in Comparative Literature (2023 - 2024)

she/her, Universidade Federal of Amazonas

PhD in Society and Culture in the Amazon from the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM, 2014), with the thesis A Complexidade nos Estatutos do Homem Thiago de Mello; Master in Letters, with a concentration in Brazilian Literature, from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC, 2002), with the dissertation Concrete Innovation in Xeque; Graduated in Literature from the State University of Ceará (UECE, 1999); Professor at UFAM since 2011. She is Leader of the Literature Research Group in Transdisciplinary Studies and Residuals (LETRAR), certified by the CNPq Research Directory, and works as a teacher in the Literature andin the Postgraduate Program in Literature at UFAM. Coordinated the N Linguagens University Extension Program, from 2012 to 2018; and the Letters Subproject? Portuguese Language of the Institutional Program Initiation into Teaching (PIBID/UFAM), from 2014 to 2018; served as Director of the Programs Department Institutions of the Dean of Research and Postgraduate Studies (DPI/PROPESP/UFAM), between 2015 and 2017; Academic Coordinator of the Faculty of Arts (FLet / UFAM), from 2017 to 2019; Course Coordinator Portuguese Language and Literature (PARFOR/UFAM), beginning in 2019; Research Project Coordinator Literature at School.


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Artigos - Estudos Literários