Academic genres: analysis of rhetorical strategies/steps in the abstracts of Pibic undergraduates
Letramento, Gênero, Resumo, Pibic, SociorretóricaAbstract
The mastery of academic literacies in the sphere of institutional life, especially in relation to writing and production of the abstract genre, demands commitment and guidance. Given this, it should be noted that the summary has specific characteristics that rhetorically compose the information of a source text. This research is based on the following question: to what extent can mastering strategies/rhetorical steps guide the student in writing the abstract of a research article? To answer this question, we set up the objective of analyzing the strategies/rhetorical steps in the writing of abstracts by undergraduates from different disciplinary areas, in the context of Institutional Scientific Initiation Scholarship Program (PIBIC), emphasizing the importance of mastering literacies, specifically, academic literacies in the writing process of the aforementioned genre. . It is worth mentioning that this investigation focuses on the sociorhetoric approach. We anchored the discussions on the theoretical assumptions of Bawarshi and Reiff (2013); Bazerman (2006); Bezerra (2017; 2022); Gois (2021); Marcuschi (2008); Miller (2012); Motta-Roth and Hendgens (2010); Silva (2020), Street (2014), among others. The methodology is anchored in the theoretical-methodological perspective proposed by Swales (1990), the CARS model, (Create a Research Space), adapted by Biasi-Rodrigues (2009). The abstract occupies a prominent place among the genres present in the academic context, thus, the relevance of this study is inserted in the importance of an observation focused on literacies in the PIBIC scenario, since the mastery of academic writing is a requirement essential for scientific initiation undergraduates who wish to pursue more advanced studies.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Darliana Vilela Ferro, Ronégia de Oliveira Ferreira, Iraci Nobre da Silva
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