



Popular culture, Coco, Transcription, Rhythm, Verse


The coco, popular poetic art that is rhythmic and structured between oral verses, is situated in the midst of the life of the people of Cariri and is constituted by singing, stomping and reminiscing about an old and, at the same time, new. As we understand the strong interrelationship between rhythm and verse in this popular art, we initially sought to gather some studies about them and relate them to coco. To do this, we made a panorama of considerations that brought together the contributions of scholars from German romanticism, Russian formalism to modern-day considerations. After bringing these studies together, we aimed to see how researchers of the artistic form of coco have perceived the relationship between these elements and registered them in song transcriptions. Researchers such as Ignez Ayala (2015), Ana Marinho and Diógenes Maciel (2015) and Mário de Andrade (2002) were fundamental in this reflective process. Finally, we proposed a coco transcription model that considers the rhythmic and choreographic movements and other extralinguistic aspects usually present in this poetic art.

Author Biography

João Kennedy Romeu de Sousa, Universidade Regional do Cariri

Mestrando pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras da Universidade Regional do Cariri (PPGL-URCA), na linha de pesquisa Poéticas da Palavra, Cultura e Sociedade. É bolsista CAPES/FUNCAP (PDPG - PEE III). Possui graduação em Letras – Língua portuguesa e suas respectivas literaturas pela mesma universidade. Integra o grupo de pesquisa Corpora Llitera, em que realiza atividades de pesquisa na área de Poéticas da Tradição Oral, a partir do contributo teórico de Mikhail Bakhtin, de Ignez Ayala e de Sigmund Freud.


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How to Cite

Sousa, J. K. R. de. (2024). RHYTHM, VERSE AND EXTRALINGUISTIC ASPECTS IN COCO: POSSIBILITIES AND PROPOSITION OF A MODEL. Macabéa - Revista Eletrônica Do Netlli, 13(4), 21–37. https://doi.org/10.47295/mren.v13i4.1854