


Prosas Bárbaras, Gothic Topoi, Fear, Portuguese Literature


The current study is an analysis of the short stories presented in Prosas Bárbaras (1903), by Eça de Queirós. To do so, it is adopted the perspective that those narratives dialogue with gothic topoi. In other words, discourses, images, and narratives resources repeated through different works, creating commonplaces. In this sense, it is studied how those short stories dialogue with the pre-existing topoi in the Gothic tradition. It is searched for the comprehension of the negative effects that those resources may cause in the reader. This research also retakes the editorial path of those stories, showing that the narratives are mostly part of Eça de Queirós’ initial career. So, to understand the gothic theories researchers such as David Stevens (2000), G. Byron e D. Punter (2004), Nick Groom (2012), Fred Botting (2014), and Júlio França (2017) are mentioned.

Author Biography

Xênia Amaral Matos, UFPR

Pós-doutoranda em Letras no PPGL da UFPR.

Doutora e Mestra em Letras pela UFSM. Graduada em Letras/Inglês pela mesma instituição.


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How to Cite

Amaral Matos, X. (2023). MELANCHOLY, FEAR, AND DEATH: : THE GOTHIC IN PROSAS BÁRBARAS, BY EÇA DE QUEIRÓS. Macabéa - Revista Eletrônica Do Netlli, 12(3), 76–95.