
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • The submission file is in Word format (or equivalent) and the text must be written in one of the template files available for download.
  • URLs for references were provided when possible.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the Author Guidelines, on the "About - Submissions" page.
  • To ensure blind peer review, information about authors has been deleted in the submission text and file properties.
  • In the submission metadata, the information of each author must be completed, including the link to the ORCID iD of each one and the Biographical Summary.
  • A supplementary document must be uploaded with a report (or certificate) from some authenticity (or anti-plagiarism) testing program or tool, for example CopySpider or DOCxWEB.

Author Guidelines

1. Miguilim – NETLLI’s Electronic Journal accepts for publication only unpublished original manuscripts – written in english, portuguese, spanish or french – that are not being reviewed by other publications or already published under a different language. The manuscript must fit into one of the following research fields:

  • Literary studies and theory of literature;
  • Studies on Linguistics;
  • Reviews of literary and scientific works published in the last two years about literary theory and/or linguistics;
  • Translations of scientific works that are still untranslated in the language chosen by the translator (preferably portuguese, spanish, english or french).

Looking for variety in scientific divulgation, the authors and coauthors can only publish a single article for each two numbers of Miguilim (for example, a published author on n. 1 will not be published on n. 2, but may be published on n. 3). In each call for papers to be evaluated for a particular number, the same person cannot have his or her name included as author or coauthor in more than one manuscript, except in exceptional cases to be considered by the editorial council. Besides that, it is also preferable that at least one of the authors be an undergraduate student or just graduate.

2. The manuscript submissions must be made by an user logged in this website (which is maintained by Universidade Regional do Cariri) through the option “[Make a new submission]”. In the next pages, the author must indicate the section appropriate for the submission, upload the manuscript and supplementary documents. The submission's metadata must be filled in with informations about the manuscript (title, abstract, keywords and references) and about each author, including the authors’ names, e-mails, institutions, country, funding agencies (if there are any), link to ORCID iD and biographical data. During the submission process, in the third part, called "3. Enter metadata", there is a section with the "List of contributors". Click on the arrow next to your name, click on edit and you will be able to add your ORCID iD and biography if you don't already have them on your profile. For co-authors, when clicking on "Add contributor" the website automatically opens a form that must be filled in with the data of who you want to add as a co-author of the manuscript, including name, institution, ORCID iD and biography (it is not necessary that this person has a profile in the journal). Submissions without the authors' data (including ORCID iD and biographical information) will be rejected.

Attention: on your profile, in the section "How do you prefer to be addressed?", please include your complete name (this will be the name shown to editors and used for the journal's e-mails). We also ask that only users with at least a master's degree register as "Reviewers" for the journal.

3. The manuscript must be submitted as a Word document (or equivalent). It also must be written in accordance to the following templates available for download, including any aspects of formatting, quotations and references:



4. The extension of an article may be preferably – though it is not obligatory – among 10 and 25 pages, and the file cannot exceed 10MB. We suggest that articles and translations have no more than four authors (if there are more, the main author must include a comment for the editor during the submission process), while reviews must be written by a single author.

5. Any notes must be kept at minimum and should not be used for bibliographical indication.

6. Plagiarism policy: when a new manuscript is submitted, a suplementary document must be uploaded with a relatory (or certificate) given by an antiplagiarism program or tool, e. g., CopySpider or DOCxWEB. Submissions without this document will be rejected.


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.