

Coloniality of knowledge. Subject Cariri. Identity.


The Cariri of Crato-CE preserve manifestations of ancestral culture and traditions despite the constant influence exerted by the coloniality process. The Cariri of Crato still face, like other indigenous peoples, expulsion from their lands and the non-recognition of their originating identity. In this context, this article proposes a reflection on the constitution of the Cariri subject and its relationship with the elements of Cariri knowledge and coloniality. With that in mind, this article aims to understand the constitution of the Cariri subject from the knowledge of ancestry and coloniality. To do so, we examine how this constitution occurs in the video Os Cariri de Umari - From the old trunks to the new trunks, organized by the Associação Indígena Cariri de Poço Dantas Umari (AICAPDU), examining these statements of the Cariri subject, highlighting the knowledge related to him. Based on the theoretical assumptions of discursive studies, with an emphasis on Foucauldian concepts, and decolonial studies, this article offers a discursive analysis of the constitution of the Cariri subject in Crato and how this construction is related to its identity.

Author Biography

Zósimo Mota Queiroz, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

Possui graduação em Direito pela Universidade Regional do Cariri (2010) com especialização em Direito das Famílias pela mesma Universidade Regional do Cariri (2012). Possui graduação em Letras pela Universidade Regional do Cariri. Atua como Assistente de Alunos do Instituto Federal do Ceará - campus Crato.


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How to Cite

Mota Queiroz, Z., & de Oliveira, M. A. (2023). A STUDY ON THE CONSTITUTION OF THE SUBJECT CARIRI AS A DISCURSIVE POSITION. Macabéa - Revista Eletrônica Do Netlli, 12(2), 1–18. Retrieved from http://revistas.urca.br/index.php/MacREN/article/view/921