


The focus of this study is the analysis of the Theory of Argumentation in discourse, the New Rhetoric, in the work Gaibéus, by Alves Redol, which was the landmark of Neorealism in Portugal. The research developed has as main objective to analyze the argumentative processes in the aforementioned work. As for the specific objectives, we sought to identify theses, values ​​and hierarchies in excerpts taken from the book, specifically in the narrator's discourse. The discussion, theoretically, is based on studies of Perelmanian argumentation, also taking advantage of the proposals of Abreu (1999), Reboul (2004), Souza (2008), Sousa (2017, 2021), among others. In the literary field, we have Moisés (2013), Reis (2005), Redol (1976) and even articles referring to the chosen theme. As for the method, the research is exploratory, and the procedures are qualitative, as we seek to interpret the values ​​in the author/speaker's discourse in order to understand the phenomena and meanings on the subject. We noticed, throughout the analysis, how the speaker used argumentative processes in his speech to convince his audience/audience about the socioeconomic and political reality of his time. The theses, anchored in hierarchical values, highlight relevant and current social issues such as: exploitation of man by man, oppression, violence, dehumanization, misery, hunger, injustices, low pay, class struggle, inequality, sexual exploitation, among others. The research showed that the study of argumentation is in the composition of human language, especially in works that represent a collective feeling of indignation against the oppressive reality, as in the work Gaibéus.


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How to Cite

Gonçalo de Araújo, R. ., Cordeiro de Sousa , M. do S. ., & Ferreira Soares , P. C. . (2023). THE ROLE OF ARGUMENTATION IN GAIBÉUS BY ALVES REDOL. Macabéa - Revista Eletrônica Do Netlli, 12(1), 1–19.