


narrative, recollections, inter-textuality, Brazilian literature


In this paper, based on the short stories O Trem by Nélida Piñon, and Soróco, sua mãe, sua filha, by Guimarães Rosa, we analyze the possibilities of travel representations, travels in one’s outside and inside world which point to isolation, withdrawal in space and/or time, which act as a fundamental component of the stories which we go through, and, by extension, (more thoroughly?) than the ones we tell. Therefore, we take into account studies carried out by authors interested in issues related to the approach of memory in literary texts, as well as inter-textual signs which relate them to other texts and traditions, aiming at extracting from the surface of the two narratives at issue elements which allow us to connect them in a dialogue, responsible for identifying similarities and differences which support that conversation held throughout times within literature.


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How to Cite

Magalhães Bulhões, R., & Martins, G. V. . (2022). FICÇÕES DA MEMÓRIA:: ESPAÇOS, TRENS E ESTÓRIAS DE PIÑON E ROSA. Macabéa - Revista Eletrônica Do Netlli, 11(4), 1–12.