



Bernardine Evaristo, Identity, Mr. Loverman, Stereotypes


This article aims to discuss the dynamics between the expectations of gender identities, taking into account the models expected by hegemonic groups. For this, theoretical support is sought in Palumbo-Liu (2000) to conceptualize the premise of assumed identity that plagues the characters in the novel, in addition to its stereotyping presented by Appiah (2018). Furthermore, the ideal of order presented by Bauman (1999) proves to be substantial for understanding the social organization of the context in which these characters are inserted. From the analysis, it is understood that the protagonists of the narrative experience pressures related to pre-established identity issues, in which the dynamics of recognition, discussed by Honneth (2003), are denied to them. Finally, we aim to verify how the individuality of these subjects is achieved, whether satisfactory or not.


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How to Cite

Müller, J. C. (2022). EXPECTATIVAS IDENTITÁRIAS EM MR. LOVERMAN, DE BERNARDINE EVARISTO. Macabéa - Revista Eletrônica Do Netlli, 11(3), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.47295/mren.v11i3.263