About Macabéa

Focus and Scope

The mission of Macabéa – Electronic Journal of Netlli is to contribute to the dissemination of research results, in order to collaborate with the theoretical debate in its areas of interest. The thematic focus of the journal has a broad spectrum, but its unity lies in the highlighting of the discussion or elaboration of theoretical constructs, approached by an analytical or applied perspective, in the fields of literary theory and linguistic theories. Approaches centered on literary criticism complement the horizon of interest pointed out by its scope: Studies in Literature and Literary Theory and Linguistic Theories.

The journal will publish articles by undergraduate students, graduates and post-graduate students and master and phD professors, linked to national and international educational and research institutions.


Material published under CC BY License


This license allows others to distribute, remix, adapt and create from their work, even for commercial purposes, provided that they give due credit for the original creation. It is the most flexible license of all available licenses. It is recommended to maximize the dissemination and use of licensed materials


Peer Review Process


The articles will be forwarded to two reviewers of the Editorial Advisory Board or ad hoc invited evaluators, for evaluation with double blind. If there is disagreement in the evaluation, the arbitration of a third opinionist will be requested. Articles can be returned to meet the recommendations of the reviewers. The final decision will be made by the Editorial Committee, but it always depends on the approval of two external reviewers.

The evaluations of reviewers and the possible editorial decision are:

  • Accept
  • Mandatory corrections (the text will be understood as accepted, but with pending adjustments or corrections)
  • Submit again (the text will be understood as refused, because it requires deeper reformulations)
  • Reject




The journal was semiannual until 2019. Its periodicity from 2020 is quarterly.


Open Access Policy


This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making free scientific knowledge available to the public provides greater global democratization of knowledge.




Macabéa does not impose restrictions on copyright authors. The submission of an article to the Journal implies the tacit authorization for publishing the manuscripts evaluated and approved for publication.


Creative Commons License


This license allows others to distribute, remix, adapt and create from their work, even for commercial purposes, provided that they give it due credit for the original creation. It is the most flexible license of all available licenses.


(APC) Article Processing Charges


Macabéa does not adopt Article Processing Charges (APC).